Harvest Reservation

Our process is simple -

1) Tell us how much beef you want for your family. We sell beef by 1/4, 1/2 or full hang weight of the animal. You will get a variety of cuts for your share of an animal. A typical 1/4 steer will produce 80 -110 pounds of assorted & per-packaged cuts of beef.

2) We will estimate how much packaged beef you will get per your selection above. Our 2022 price is $7 dollars per pound of packaged beef (includes all butcher fees).

3) We will take a 1/2 deposit based on an estimate for the net packaged beef we expect for your desired share.

4) We will secure a butcher date, prepay the butcher fee, and call you with notice on when your beef will be ready to pick up from a local Redmond, Oregon butcher.

5) We will invoice you balance due based on the final packaged beef weight.

We encourage you to call Luis directly at 512-680-1192 and we will walk you thru the process. You can email us directly at luiselenes@gmail.com
